Balance Masters
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Which Balance Masters
® self-adjusting balancing system do you need for your truck or motorhome?
To choose the right product for your Truck or Motorhome, please follow our discovery system to help you make the correct product choice.

Balance Masters Discovery System
The Challenge

Simply put, find a way to get more out of your trucks while spending less time and money to maintain them.

The Solution, Balance Masters® Self-Adjusting Wheel Balancers offer you guaranteed performance and savings.

Balance Masters® Continuous Active Balancing System works by centrifugal force, which positions the liquid Quick Silver in counter-weight positions. This technology eliminates the lumping effects caused by shot-filled hub mounted and tire fluid products. Balance Masters® also works with gravity to create a downforce effect to hold the tire down on the road. This gives the tire more footprint and better control in cold, icy, and wet conditions.

Spin Balance While You Drive!

Any out-of-balance condition in the wheel-tire assembly creates uneven tire wear, reducing tire life. Balance Masters® will prevent this condition and increase tire life by up to 50%. Balance Masters® mounts directly behind the wheel assembly and has a six-month unconditional money-back guarantee with proof of purchase. They also have a Lifetime Factory Warranty against defects in material and quality.

Balance Masters® will help reduce wear rate on steering suspension, driveline, brakes, and wheel components ordinarily subjected to excessive vibration and help minimize trailer bounce during hard stops and driver fatigue, improves passenger comfort, and reduces costly downtime. Balance Masters® offers a straightforward solution to the challenge of better performance for your trucks and your bottom-line profit.

Balance Masters® offers a straightforward solution to the challenge of better performance for your trucks and your bottom-line profit. Any out-of-balance condition in the wheel-tire assembly creates uneven tire wear, reducing tire life. Balance Masters® will prevent this condition and increase tire life by up to 50 percent or more.

Balance Masters® Active Wheel Balancers Estimated Tire Cost Savings