Balance Masters

How Balance Masters® Works

Mid-America Trucking Show
Chris Gamble, President, and CEO of Balance Masters talks about Balance Masters Active Driveshaft Balancing System. Mounts on the driveshaft to balance and keep bearing cool extends the life of your driveshaft.

Balance Masters® works on the basic principles of physics.

Vibrational Resonance is the up-and-down vibration pattern created by a rotating tire and wheel that is out of balance, forcing the fluid (Quick Silver), which is free-moving within the ring, to positions along the ring, which exactly offset any light and heavy spots, thereby eliminating the vibration and creating equilibrium within the rotating mass. Once correctly positioned, Centrifugal Force holds the fluid in that position unless a different vibrational resonance pattern develops from tire wear or stones, mud, or ice sticking to the tire or wheel, which instantly forces the fluid to its new equilibrium position.

In short, Balance Masters® precisely, continually, instantly, and dynamically self-adjusts to tire and wheel imbalance because nature MUST have equilibrium, and natural forces will act on the counter-balancing fluid to eliminate vibrational resonance and disequilibrium.

However, when sudden braking or slowing occurs, the fluids spin for several revolutions until they slow down to the wheel speed. Therefore, the fluid moving at high speed and weighing nearly 28 ounces per wheel, whips around the ring at ten to fifteen revolutions per second. This weight, when pulled by gravity over the top of the wheel, "falls" over the front side of the wheel where the force is created, which "pulls" the wheel down onto the pavement- JUST WHEN YOU NEED IT TO -on sudden braking over hard bumps or across sheets of water to develop road-hugging controllability and anti-sway, anti-drift and anti-trailer hop and bounce effect that amazes so many of our customers, especially the flammable and chemical haulers who religiously put Balance Masters® on their trailer axles.

Balance Masters® utilizes the natural forces created by 20,000 plus pounds of a truck rolling down the highway to reduce vibration and create better handling in a straightforward yet effective way. Physics was understood and put to work as early as 1908 by German scientists. American engineers perfected the idea in the late 1930s and early 1940s when they needed to find a way to perfectly, precisely, and continuously balance a new-fangled invention...the jet turbine engine.

The Balance Master is a tested and proven device that works on long-understood and basic engineering principles.

The major components of the Balance Masters® are the ring and the fluid (Quick Silver), both integral parts of what makes the balancer work. Both work in cooperation and are precisely proportioned for the physics to function correctly.